Veo Ride
When I chose this project, I knew the brand needed to be welcoming, not too hip, not too urban, and appeal to small, mid, and large sized cities. I decided early on to focus on having the brand emphasize community, and worked hard to make sure it appealed to women as well as men; trying to avoid the techy vibe. From there it was full on with typogrpahy, app design, and a marketing campaign.
Veo Ride
Brand Identity
Art Direction
6 Weeks
The Challenge
The challenge here was being a late entry to a crowded market while also needing to be noticed. Late to the ball isn't so bad if you have a great outfit, that was our joke anyway. Creating something new that felt comfortable and established while having limited resources to create the product was an exciting obstacle to overcome.
The Solution
Cozy Sweater. The end goal was the cozy sweater of midwestern shared mobility startups. I hate that I just wrote that, but, it fits. Graphically we set out to feel established and known. The color pallette emphasized that all were welcome and worked to focus on mobility not as a speedy way to get home from the bars but a smart way to naviagate your city or town while being good to the planet. The app was designed to flow effortlessly and be really dang simple to use. Bikes are fun. Scooters are fun. We built a product and experience that stayed out of the way as much as possible.
The Result
In the end VeoRide was a successful brand design and execution. We unlocked a lot of joy and added a a new voice to the mobility share market that emphasized and communicated our initial intentions. The user experience was refined and restrained and the brand spoke in a clear and disciplined manner.